Thursday, February 27, 2014


Visiting a small town in Arizona a few years ago I spotted a little side of the road flea market, so you know where I stopped.  While there I eyed this doll high chair
and again, for a couple of bucks it found it's way to Montana where it has been sitting in my back bedroom since.  Looking for "smalls" to work on in my room, this seemed like the perfect project. Up on the table it went a few days ago.  It required a little structural work, so with wood glue and clamps it set for a day.
After I deemed it was nice and sturdy, I gave the piece a light sanding and painted it adding a little decorative treatment.  Remember I was not born with any artistic skills, but with a little help from a stencil, even I can work some magic.  I like to finish furniture off with a wax treatment, but as this is a child's toy, I finished it with a light coat of poly instead.
Somewhere there is a doll out there just waiting for a little girl to feed her.

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