Monday, October 7, 2013


Okay, so two days in a row at auctions took it's toll on me.  Still haven't unpacked the truck from yesterday's auction, will do that tomorrow and post a picture of the goodies I bought.  Didn't get much yesterday, but a couple really nice pieces of furniture and didn't even come close to spending my budget for the day.  I decided today I would empty out the craft/sewing boxes I bought at Saturday's auction, well that turned into an all day event.  Scored a whole box full of wooden spools along with tons of scissors, threads, pins and lots and lots of ribbon and lace.  As I was attempting to put things away, it became apparent that I needed to do a little cleaning up of my sewing/craft room, so that is where my day went.  Although it was late and I needed the light on to take pictures, I thought I would share my special space today.

These pictures represent most of the room, but not all of it.  I have come to the conclusion that I need to quit buying things I think I need.  I need to have everything I need for any project I want to do and I think I have succeeded.

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