Saturday, October 12, 2013


Well, it's official Antelope season began today, and I guess deer season is following soon, from my past experiences I will be home alone a lot in the next month or two.  I have never been one to understand the need to shoot something, but my husband and son take on hunting season with a passion, so I have grown accustom to it.  After finishing my daily chores this morning I found myself wondering what project I should get myself into.  Apparently I wasn't feeling too crafty, so decided I would get my grandkids trick or treat packages ready for the mail.  I had to first find and pull out my stash of goodies.
I follow a number of craft blogs and do take ideas from them.  I found this a few weeks ago and saved them, off to my printer I went and printed out these labels for "PUMPKIN POO"  
After I filled the bags and attached the labels, they came out like this 
Then  had to get everything ready for the mailman next week
With alot of time still on my hands, decided I had better get busy with Grandma's robe, as her birthday is in a few weeks, at least I can say I got it all layed out and cut today, will work on the sewing tomorrow 

When I designed my sewing/craft room the most important thing for me was a cutting surface,  my room has a table in the center,  I can lay out patterns and cut with ease, among many other uses.  Have I said how much I love this room.

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