Thursday, July 23, 2015


My grandmother taught me that please and thank you were magic words, however as I continue on this journey of mine I now realize that sometimes the most magic word of all is "NO" if I have any hope of stopping to use all those "magic" four letter words.

After having spent the last 10 days on a project I have been putting off for months I am sorry I didn't use this magic word when I just said "sure.  After seeing a kitchen cart I had re-done last year a friend purchased a well used one in hopes that I would bring it back to its glory.  Knowing I had a lot of work ahead of me I came up with every excuse in the book to not begin this particular project, but having come home from another road trip I knew I had to get this item out of my head and my garage, so I began the process.

I sanded for days as this cart had been repainted many times over it's years and the last painting was latex paint that had been heavily brushed on.  Just a hint, never use a brush on metal.  I then gave everything  a nice bath to soak the layers of grease and grime.

The pieces have made their home back in my garage the last few days as I worked on the painting and today I gave it a light resin coat to give it a nice hard non-scratch surface.  Tomorrow I will re-assemble the piece so that I can deliver it to its owner first thing Saturday morning.

I will share a picture of the completed project once it is back together and I can only hope it's owner will appreciate all the hard work I have put into this piece and I hope the next time I get one of these requests I will remember my new "magic" word.

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