Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have shared in the past about the hubby's hand carved wagons.  We show the wagons in several galleries and art shows throughout the west and this year all his hard work has paid off.  The C.M. Russell Auction to benefit the C.M. Russell Museum has accepted one of his wagons to go to auction this year.  The selection committee notified us a few days ago and the reality is now beginning to set in.  This is a very prestigious honor for him and something he has been striving for for years.  This is the wagon that we will hand deliver to the museum in a few days so that it can be catalogued and photographed for the big auction in March 2015, where people from all over the world come to purchase the art work for sale.

I don't have this wagon at home, so I took a picture of a picture to share and I don't think it turned out too bad.  He works on his wagons for several months and has to produce a few more before March, so I am pretty certain this winter I will be tucked away safe and warm  while he works.   I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments. 
I have sat through art auctions with other artists while they waited to see if there was a buyer for their piece and what price would be paid and have witnessed extreme tears of joy as well as heartbreak.  Don't know which side I'll be on in March, but it'll be exciting times !!!!

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