Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have shared in the past about the hubby's hand carved wagons.  We show the wagons in several galleries and art shows throughout the west and this year all his hard work has paid off.  The C.M. Russell Auction to benefit the C.M. Russell Museum has accepted one of his wagons to go to auction this year.  The selection committee notified us a few days ago and the reality is now beginning to set in.  This is a very prestigious honor for him and something he has been striving for for years.  This is the wagon that we will hand deliver to the museum in a few days so that it can be catalogued and photographed for the big auction in March 2015, where people from all over the world come to purchase the art work for sale.

I don't have this wagon at home, so I took a picture of a picture to share and I don't think it turned out too bad.  He works on his wagons for several months and has to produce a few more before March, so I am pretty certain this winter I will be tucked away safe and warm  while he works.   I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments. 
I have sat through art auctions with other artists while they waited to see if there was a buyer for their piece and what price would be paid and have witnessed extreme tears of joy as well as heartbreak.  Don't know which side I'll be on in March, but it'll be exciting times !!!!


As I have been making gifts and preparing for the upcoming holidays it stunned me when I realized it had been a year since I last made a flannel shirt, but I went ahead and finished up the one I was working on.

It also had me reflecting on the last year.  I will have one less shirt to make, having lost a brother-in-law this year, but I will celebrate the birth this year of a new grandson and can spend my winter with my wonderful memories of the summer spent with my children and grandchildren.
This time of year I have dreaded the last few years knowing it's not long before snow covers the ground and I have to begin the winterizing process of not only the house, but my wardrobe as well.  I start to plan trips to warm parts of the country and I always discuss with the hubby spending the winter in warm weather, after all what's that travel trailer for, but then reality sets in and having spent 8 months in that trailer a few years ago we both know we would be bored stiff in no time as we do both enjoy being at home.  This year I am trying to appreciate all four seasons and will do my best to embrace the snow that's coming, however, don't expect me to ever enjoy being out in it.


Adding to some holiday décor I made a new "Mummy" wreath for my door.

A standard straw door wreath wrapped with some strips of white muslin makes the perfect mummy body, I then hot glued some wiggly eyes and a little bat I found in some of my holiday stash.  I hope it doesn't "scare" all my little trick or treaters.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


I love the holiday season, for me it starts with Halloween and continues until St. Patricks Day.  I love to celebrate each holiday with something special and I love to decorate for each of them.  As I have said before since I no longer have children at home I don't do much these days, but it just wouldn't be the season without a little something.  I was in Michael's the other day and was looking at all the Halloween items in the store, but even with the markdowns purchasing something new just wasn't something I wanted to spend my money on, so today I dug in my many stashes and came up with a plan for a scary fun centerpiece.

After digging through my holiday decorations, I came up with a few things and added my new spider candleholder.  I like to pick up fake flowers at clearances and yard sales.  After I got all my treasures gathered I got out a can of black spray paint, some wood scraps and Styrofoam.  When I was finished painting, gluing and decoupaging this is what my Halloween centerpiece looks like.

I spray painted all the flowers, wood and Styrofoam black, glued some decorative paper to the Styrofoam and decoupaged  and aged some scrapbook paper to a scrap of wood, added a few pumpkins and a BOO !!!!
I'll make a new wreath for my door and I'll be ready for all my little and big trick or treaters !!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

FOR THE BOYS.................

I have said many times how much I enjoy sewing for my granddaughters, but there are boys in my life as well, big ones and little ones and I like to get an early start on my gift giving, so I have worked in a few "boy" things in the last few days.  My inspiration was a trip to Joann's and when I found this fabric I knew I could find a use for it.  It's a water repellent sweatshirt fabric and I believe it will wear well,

So I decided on a hoodies for a couple of young men and even though "Maryann" doesn't often get to model boys clothing for me, she did her best for this job.

I think "my boys" will enjoy !!!!


Really trying to take advantage of the last few yard sales and auctions this year, however, there are two more auctions next weekend and I may just have to attend.  Have gotten pretty picky about what I bring home with me as I am still trying to clear clutter and finish projects, but there are just some things I can't pass up and have got lucky on my last few "junk" outings, so thought I would share a few of my treasures.

It's almost Halloween and who can't use a spider candle holder and oh the possibilities of a "new" pair of old cowboy boots and some large wooden spools.

I just love vintage stools, they all have such great potential.  Not sure what this one will end up as but I know it'll be great !!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING.................

Since our little snowstorm last week our weather has been picture perfect fall, perfect little breezes, perfect temperatures and lots of sunshine.  I should be taking advantage of all these gorgeous days and working on my "junk" projects.  I know winter will be setting in soon and it will be too cold to be outdoors sanding and painting, but instead I have been opening windows and have been holed up with my sewing machines.  I seem to go in spurts and when the sewing bug hits me I tend to stay with it for days and sometimes even weeks.  I'll just wait and see where this spurt takes me but in the last few days this is what I have accomplished.

Now even "Maryanne" is ready for fall and maybe a few ball games !!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014


All my kids and grandkids have their Granny made 49er wear except for the newest addition to the family.  When that thought hit me this morning I knew I had to find a remedy so I headed to my fabric stash and at the end of the day I ended with this.


It's never too early to pass on some 49er love  !!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

IF IT'S OCTOBER..................

I suppose I'm learning if it's October I get to see snow, woke up this morning to a slight mix of rain and snow, but the slight mix has now turned into a snow storm and it is coming down nice and white.  I am not a fan of the white stuff, but try to stay positive so I guess after such a busy summer I will have plenty of time to stay in and work on my many, many projects.  Did attend an auction last week and obtained a few new items, however, I am not going out to the garage this morning to take pictures, so you will have to wait to see them, but here is a picture of  my snow as it is just starting.