Saturday, January 4, 2014


"2014"  Hard to believe how fast these years seem to be passing, but I am excited for this year and plan on working really hard to keep my resolutions.  Holiday decorations have been taken down and stowed away for another year, clutter has been cleared out, now it's time for me to start on my winter projects.  One of my resolutions this year is to give up on making so many gifts I give throughout the year as I am running out of ideas and don't want to keep repeating myself, so unless I am asked for something particular my gift recipients will not be seeing so many sewing/crafty projects from me, rather I will be donating many of the clothes and crafts I make to those in need.  There are a few things and people I will need to continue our traditions with and of course those already promised.  It's with this in mind that I have started one of my winter projects. 

When I was much, much younger I was taught to make quilts.  We didn't buy blankets, we made them from Grandpa's old shirts, outgrown dresses and fabric scraps.  I have not made a quilt in years and have never made a T-shirt quilt, but the one I am undertaking is very personal for me as it will represent years of accomplishments for a very special young lady.

Whenever I start a new project I like to do my research and with luck I ran across a woman here in Montana that sells supplies and instructions for T-shirt quilts.  I have had these supplies for awhile now, but after counting and inspecting all the t-shirts I need to incorporate into this quilt,  I ordered and made the additional supplies I will need to complete the project.

Now the nerve wracking work begins as I will be cutting up her prized shirts and after all the measuring I will need to do my quilt blocks in two different sizes, but since there are enough shirts to make quilt "tops" for both sides of this blanket, I feel confident that I can incorporate all the t-shirt designs.

I will keep posting the steps of this quilt as I go along for all of you to follow.
Here's to hoping you all have a prosperous and happy 2014 !!!!!!

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