This is a place where I will share my love of all things "junk" and the creations I have done with all that "junk".
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
I can start 2015 the same way I started 2014 disappointed that my lottery numbers weren't drawn, but hey, if you don't play you can't win so I will keep playing and look forward to my day.
2014 is coming to a close and I know I haven't posted much on this blog the last few months, but I have been quite busy. As you know I enjoy making most of my Christmas gifts and 99% of those gifts have to go out in the mail. This year I started early and finished early which left me with lots of time to enjoy the holidays. I did have to make myself some party outfits and I seldom do that for myself so it was quite a treat and now that my party season has come to an end I have started my New Year's tradition of taking a box to each room to fill for the donation center. I am quite pleased with myself this year as I don't have much to donate which means I didn't bring much in this past year, which was one of my 2014 resolutions and one I will carry forward.
For 2015 I have been thinking about what my resolution was going to be and of course the first things that come to mind are the eating better, losing weight, etc, etc, etc, but those are everybody's resolutions and I wanted something different, so my 2015 resolution will be "to live better on less".
I love making lemon drop martini's and have perfected the perfect "lemon drop" and although I only make a few a month and you are wondering what this has to do with my new years resolution, well it's the difference between "Smirnoff" or "Grey Goose". See, using Smirnoff makes a decent "lemon drop", but using Grey Goose makes the perfect "lemon drop". Grey Goose Vodka costs almost 3 times what Smirnoff does, but I have learned over the years that if I don't waste my resources on having too much I can afford to have the "perfect".
My wish for the New Year is that everyone has all they need and only want for what they need !!!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
My thoughts this morning was on the month ahead and the planning of all the visiting and parties that will be taking place during the holiday season. With all the planning came the idea that I needed some hostess gifts. Whether I'm planning an overnight visit or attending a holiday party I like to take something to the hostess. An easy idea is a bottle of wine, but then that is a normal idea and I like to think out of the box, so instead of hitting up the store for some bottles of wine, I hit up my stash of saved wine corks.
Added some beading supplies and spent the afternoon crafting the perfect hostess gifts.
Some fun little "wine cork" tree ornaments. I will be wrapping the boxes with some pretty red ribbon and will be ready for all my holiday partying.
Added some beading supplies and spent the afternoon crafting the perfect hostess gifts.
Some fun little "wine cork" tree ornaments. I will be wrapping the boxes with some pretty red ribbon and will be ready for all my holiday partying.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I love the holidays, it's the time of year when you can just let your imagination go and allow your inner child to come out without anyone judging you. When decorating for the holidays we all think snowmen, reindeer and Santa. I have decorated with these things in the past, however I do limit the amount of decorating I do these days and I love making my own decorations and using unexpected finds.
Remember some of my latest "junk" finds, an old worn pair of cowboy boots.
They have been sitting in my craft room since I brought them home, just waiting for a new use and alas, I have found a new use for at least one of them.
Remember some of my latest "junk" finds, an old worn pair of cowboy boots.
They have been sitting in my craft room since I brought them home, just waiting for a new use and alas, I have found a new use for at least one of them.
An unexpected wreath for my door that just screams HAPPY HOLIDAYS in a Montana way !!!!!
We have all seen the movies and pictures of people loading up their belongings and heading west. Sometimes I think the hubby was born in the wrong century, but his skill and love of the old west allows him to bring these images to life. The most recent acquisition to the gallery is a beautiful "Conestoga Wagon".
Adding another gallery and the possibility of a few more art auctions in the coming year, he has been busy creating.
Monday, November 24, 2014
It's winter up here now and one of my favorite things to do is watch football and of course I have a favorite team !!!!!
And we all know how I love to sew and the two just go together......
And we all know how I love to sew and the two just go together......
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
I have been working hard to get all my holiday items ready to ship out. It's early for me to be this prepared, but I know if I'm ready for the holidays I can enjoy the month of December without the "holiday" stress. The outings, parties and maybe a road trip or two, I'll be free to pack a bag and go. Of course, old man winter plays a big part in any plans I may make, but with a warmer than average October and colder than average November I don't know what December will bring, but I'll be ready.
Now I'm going to spend a few days wrapping and stuffing boxes.
Now I'm going to spend a few days wrapping and stuffing boxes.
I always purchase my holiday supplies after the holidays each year and I like to wait until everything is 75% to 90% off then I stock up. Having all my supplies on hand certainly makes for more stress free holidays.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I have shared in the past about the hubby's hand carved wagons. We show the wagons in several galleries and art shows throughout the west and this year all his hard work has paid off. The C.M. Russell Auction to benefit the C.M. Russell Museum has accepted one of his wagons to go to auction this year. The selection committee notified us a few days ago and the reality is now beginning to set in. This is a very prestigious honor for him and something he has been striving for for years. This is the wagon that we will hand deliver to the museum in a few days so that it can be catalogued and photographed for the big auction in March 2015, where people from all over the world come to purchase the art work for sale.
I don't have this wagon at home, so I took a picture of a picture to share and I don't think it turned out too bad. He works on his wagons for several months and has to produce a few more before March, so I am pretty certain this winter I will be tucked away safe and warm while he works. I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments.
I have sat through art auctions with other artists while they waited to see if there was a buyer for their piece and what price would be paid and have witnessed extreme tears of joy as well as heartbreak. Don't know which side I'll be on in March, but it'll be exciting times !!!!
As I have been making gifts and preparing for the upcoming holidays it stunned me when I realized it had been a year since I last made a flannel shirt, but I went ahead and finished up the one I was working on.
It also had me reflecting on the last year. I will have one less shirt to make, having lost a brother-in-law this year, but I will celebrate the birth this year of a new grandson and can spend my winter with my wonderful memories of the summer spent with my children and grandchildren.
This time of year I have dreaded the last few years knowing it's not long before snow covers the ground and I have to begin the winterizing process of not only the house, but my wardrobe as well. I start to plan trips to warm parts of the country and I always discuss with the hubby spending the winter in warm weather, after all what's that travel trailer for, but then reality sets in and having spent 8 months in that trailer a few years ago we both know we would be bored stiff in no time as we do both enjoy being at home. This year I am trying to appreciate all four seasons and will do my best to embrace the snow that's coming, however, don't expect me to ever enjoy being out in it.
Adding to some holiday décor I made a new "Mummy" wreath for my door.
A standard straw door wreath wrapped with some strips of white muslin makes the perfect mummy body, I then hot glued some wiggly eyes and a little bat I found in some of my holiday stash. I hope it doesn't "scare" all my little trick or treaters.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
I love the holiday season, for me it starts with Halloween and continues until St. Patricks Day. I love to celebrate each holiday with something special and I love to decorate for each of them. As I have said before since I no longer have children at home I don't do much these days, but it just wouldn't be the season without a little something. I was in Michael's the other day and was looking at all the Halloween items in the store, but even with the markdowns purchasing something new just wasn't something I wanted to spend my money on, so today I dug in my many stashes and came up with a plan for a scary fun centerpiece.
After digging through my holiday decorations, I came up with a few things and added my new spider candleholder. I like to pick up fake flowers at clearances and yard sales. After I got all my treasures gathered I got out a can of black spray paint, some wood scraps and Styrofoam. When I was finished painting, gluing and decoupaging this is what my Halloween centerpiece looks like.
After digging through my holiday decorations, I came up with a few things and added my new spider candleholder. I like to pick up fake flowers at clearances and yard sales. After I got all my treasures gathered I got out a can of black spray paint, some wood scraps and Styrofoam. When I was finished painting, gluing and decoupaging this is what my Halloween centerpiece looks like.
I spray painted all the flowers, wood and Styrofoam black, glued some decorative paper to the Styrofoam and decoupaged and aged some scrapbook paper to a scrap of wood, added a few pumpkins and a BOO !!!!
I'll make a new wreath for my door and I'll be ready for all my little and big trick or treaters !!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
FOR THE BOYS.................
I have said many times how much I enjoy sewing for my granddaughters, but there are boys in my life as well, big ones and little ones and I like to get an early start on my gift giving, so I have worked in a few "boy" things in the last few days. My inspiration was a trip to Joann's and when I found this fabric I knew I could find a use for it. It's a water repellent sweatshirt fabric and I believe it will wear well,
So I decided on a hoodies for a couple of young men and even though "Maryann" doesn't often get to model boys clothing for me, she did her best for this job.
I think "my boys" will enjoy !!!!
Really trying to take advantage of the last few yard sales and auctions this year, however, there are two more auctions next weekend and I may just have to attend. Have gotten pretty picky about what I bring home with me as I am still trying to clear clutter and finish projects, but there are just some things I can't pass up and have got lucky on my last few "junk" outings, so thought I would share a few of my treasures.
I just love vintage stools, they all have such great potential. Not sure what this one will end up as but I know it'll be great !!!!!
It's almost Halloween and who can't use a spider candle holder and oh the possibilities of a "new" pair of old cowboy boots and some large wooden spools.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING.................
Since our little snowstorm last week our weather has been picture perfect fall, perfect little breezes, perfect temperatures and lots of sunshine. I should be taking advantage of all these gorgeous days and working on my "junk" projects. I know winter will be setting in soon and it will be too cold to be outdoors sanding and painting, but instead I have been opening windows and have been holed up with my sewing machines. I seem to go in spurts and when the sewing bug hits me I tend to stay with it for days and sometimes even weeks. I'll just wait and see where this spurt takes me but in the last few days this is what I have accomplished.
Now even "Maryanne" is ready for fall and maybe a few ball games !!!!!
Now even "Maryanne" is ready for fall and maybe a few ball games !!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2014
All my kids and grandkids have their Granny made 49er wear except for the newest addition to the family. When that thought hit me this morning I knew I had to find a remedy so I headed to my fabric stash and at the end of the day I ended with this.
It's never too early to pass on some 49er love !!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
IF IT'S OCTOBER..................
I suppose I'm learning if it's October I get to see snow, woke up this morning to a slight mix of rain and snow, but the slight mix has now turned into a snow storm and it is coming down nice and white. I am not a fan of the white stuff, but try to stay positive so I guess after such a busy summer I will have plenty of time to stay in and work on my many, many projects. Did attend an auction last week and obtained a few new items, however, I am not going out to the garage this morning to take pictures, so you will have to wait to see them, but here is a picture of my snow as it is just starting.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Where has the summer gone ???? Fall is now upon us and it has dawned on me that my social life this summer has kept me from doing many projects. I do have most of my horded projects completed, but tomorrow is going to bring a new auction, one I am anxious for as they have a lot of great pieces I'm interested in. Did attend an auction a few weeks ago and walked away emptied handed, the pieces I was interested in were a little out of my price range, so hopefully tomorrow I can acquire a few new pieces. Although I haven't really had the time to start any major projects I have been working on an attempt to clear out my fabric stash and I love making clothes for my granddaughters, so I have been having so much fun with all of this.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
MORE FALL DECOR............
As I was thinking about getting some fall décor out, I grabbed the door wreath I had made last year for fall but it seemed a little too soon to get rid of all the summer colors, so I decided I could make a wreath that would transition from the warm days of summer to the cooler days of fall.
This one will welcome my guests for the next month or so or at least until I am ready for more fall colors.
My weather man tells me that tomorrow is the start of meteorological fall and since it is my favorite season I hope he makes it last for months and months. I shared in the spring that I did some gardening or at least planted a few flowers and not being much of a gardener I'm quite pleased with myself. Along with purchasing some little flowers and planting them, I also planted some seeds and this year I had some success..
I have been enjoying these blooms for awhile and this morning decided to bring some indoors to start my fall decorating.
I do remember this time last year being very warm, however this year the weather is mild and it is beginning to feel like fall and for me nothing says fall like some burlap and sunflowers.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
I have not done much sewing in the last few months, a couple of Queen Elsa dresses and a little summer dress for a 9 year old granddaughter. She picked out her fabric, pattern and lace while she was visiting giving me complete instructions on exactly what she wanted. I finished up that little dress a few weeks ago and sent it to her, but have not had any yearnings to turn my sewing machines on since, that is until this morning. I knew I wanted to sew something but didn't know what until I got into my room and started looking for inspiration. I remembered I had saved a pattern from a facebook page for a purse. I don't think I have ever made a purse before, but I have been doing a lot of things recently that I am unfamiliar with, so I found some fabric, printed out the pattern and spent the day putting it together.
I am so pleased with how nice this bag came out. It is lined and I even added a pocket on the inside.
I feel inspired to make a few more of these bags and think I will probably tweek the pattern some to make the bag a little bigger.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Picked this cart up for free in a pile of trash at a yard sale. It was dirty and broken and just waiting for trash pick-up. The woman who I rescued it from just laughed at me when I asked if I could take it home. It has been sitting and waiting for it's make-over. Now made over it will be delivered to it's new home next week.
Isn't she beautiful !!!!
I took it apart, cleaned, sanded and repaired it before I gave it a new paint job.
I spray painted the bottom two trays, used a paint and resin treatment on the top tray and after letting it all sit for a few days for the paint and resin to cure I put it back together and this is now the finished project.
Isn't she beautiful !!!!
I hope this piece will live on for many more years to come and it's new owners get as much enjoyment out of it as I did giving it it's new life.
Monday, July 28, 2014
I love to recycle, repurpose, stay organized and spend little to no money on projects. I just can't bring myself to throw out jars, spaghetti sauce jars, jam jars, pickle jars, etc. You get it, I horde jars. All of these loves of mine have come together in the last few days and I was able to clean out most of my horded jars and make some new storage for my sewing/craft room.
First I put my bathroom jar storage idea on steroids,
First I put my bathroom jar storage idea on steroids,
then I added candlesticks, drawer knobs and leftover spray paint to make my own beautiful apothecary jars.
Now instead of having all my buttons, snaps and supplies tucked away in plastic containers I can now see them and my jars just make me happy.
Going to the craft store or even Wal-Mart to purchase storage jars can be quite expensive, but my jars were all saved, candlesticks were purchased very. very cheap at yard sales and all the drawer knobs were saved off of furniture that I have re-done so for less than the cost of one apothecary jar at the craft store I made 28 and now have beautiful, colorful organization !!!!!
Friday, July 25, 2014
I gathered up some of my recent roadtrip acquisitions.
I brought home two spice racks, not wanting to store spices, but because they spun around and I wanted the spinners on the bottom. I took them both apart, added some candlesticks, pans and plates using E6000 glue. I have found that E6000 is the best glue out there when needing to glue metals. It is not a glue I would recommend using around children as it is quite strong smelling and contains some pretty serious warnings and also keep in mind it needs a good 24 hours to cure.
I wanted to round up the supplies I use often with my sewing machines such as bobbins, zipper feet etc. When I was done I ended up with two pieces that I'm sure will bring me great joy in the future.
They now make their home on my sewing machine table.
They are tiered and they spin around so I anticipate they will make it easier for me to complete my sewing projects. So again, never look at something for what it's intended purpose is but for what it could become and you don't have to pay retail for what you want !!!!!
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