Saturday, December 14, 2013


After our last cold snap and snow storm it is with great relief when I hear the water running off my roof, that's the snow melting.  When I first moved here I was told the wind blows a lot, after living in the desert I don't think we get a lot of wind, but I have learned that wind after a snow storm is my best friend.  The wind melts the snow, so 35-40 degrees and a windy day and I get to watch that wind eat right through my foot of snow.  Hopefully it will all be gone before the next storm hits next week.

Our storm gave me plenty of time to be able to get all my Christmas packages ready for the mail and yesterday I took them to the post office so I know they will get to their destination before Santa is due to arrive.
I was able to get back into my sewing/craft room today as I picked up my sewing machines yesterday and I want to thank Scott from Silver Thimble for doing such an excellent job on all the adjustments and repairs.  I spent the day sewing making another sweatshirt and a nightgown.  Willie gets lonely when I spend the day in my room, so since I have cleaned and re-organized that room, I was able to bring him in a bed. 
He kept me company all afternoon. (His favorite place for me to be is in the kitchen)

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