Monday, March 23, 2015


Apparently, I need another piece of artwork, but who can resist.......

I am now the proud owner of a Russell Skull Society member John Gawne original painting titled "Another Day in Paradise". 

This painting takes me to the days we have spent at the Mountain Man Rendevous in Pinedale, WY and it looks so good in it's new home.

MARCH MADNESS !!!!!!!!!!!

To sum my month up in two words "EXHILARATING AND EXHAUSTING" but soooo much fun !!!

Western Art Week in Great Falls is one of the largest art shows in the country and this year even the weather gods were on our side.  I now have a bad case of spring fever, but I'm told it's too early to plant flowers even though my trees are budding and lilac bushes are leafing.  Now that this week is over and my 10 day weather forecast is sporting some 70's I am so ready to start a few of my painting projects, but first I need to spend a few days bonding with my couch and organizing all the contacts, art auctions and shows that need to be done in the coming year.

I am so proud of not only the hubby and his art work, but all the other artists that shared our gallery room for the week.

 Art work was sold,  auctions and parties were attended, magazine and television interviews were given and some even got an unexpected lesson.
Our talented little artist granddaughter and perhaps her new mentor.  A good time was had by all.
Of course, you cannot be with all this beautiful art without wanting to bring some home and of course, we added to our collection.  As soon as the piece is delivered and installed I will share with all of you.
Looking forward to the planning and doing it all again next year !!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


I finished some little summer dresses for my neighborhood and delivered them a few days ago, and other than using my sewing machines for the upcoming art show I will not be doing anymore sewing for a few weeks.  But I can tell you that my little neighbor girls were quite thrilled with their gifts.

LACK OF PLANNING ....................


I kept a sign in my office bearing these words for years.  It was there to remind several of my clients that a magic wand I did not have.  Although, I was never certain they understood it was for them.

I have learned over the years that when it comes to politicians and artists this saying is sooooo appropriate, therefore I always give myself the week before any show to be 100% accessible for all the "I forgot" moments.

I don't have the ability to paint or carve and I can't go legislate in the capital (although I might do a better job..ha), but I can make certain all the little details get accomplished.  It always amazes me when one has months to prepare for an upcoming event that there is always the last minute push to get everything finished and no matter how many times I remind everyone of the days left, I know we will work until the very last second. 

I will spend the next couple of days making table coverings, coordinating everyone's schedules and reservations and have just finished up room signs

and will make certain I have on hand anything one might need for the next week.


We have all seen this product and have probably used it to remove stains from clothing.  I don't believe I have ever used this particular stain remover, but I was watching a show on television a few weeks ago when they did a segment about using household products for other uses.  This particular product was used to remove gummy labels from items.  They stated there was a particular ingredient in it and any product with that ingredient would do the job.  Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to the dialogue but I stayed rather intrigued with the idea of an easier way to remove the glue from jars once the label was removed.  I have my standard items I use for those things, but am always looking for new ideas. 

I have a vehicle that the windows have that dark film on and on one window it was coming off, which leaves quite a mess, making it difficult to see out of.  The idea of using Shout to remove glue from glass kept nagging at me, so after a few weeks I bought Shout.  Anxious to try it I dug into my horde of jars and found a jar that I had run through the dishwasher without removing the label first.  Doing that bakes on the label making it even more difficult to remove, but it was going to be my test piece.  I sprayed the label with Shout, allowed it to sit for awhile and came back and removed the label with hardly no effort at all.

Now I was excited thinking about that vehicle window, anxious to test my theory I set to work, it took a little while, but after a few hours I had not only all that film removed, but every bit of the glue residue as well and now have a new window for only the cost of a bottle of Shout. 

SHOUT is my new favorite thing !!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2015


I have spent my winter thinking of spring and summer and all the little girls in my life.  I have pulled out all my laces, leather and trims and have been sewing dresses for not only my little granddaughters, but some of the neighboring little girls as well. 

I shared the fabric and trims I pulled together for a very special birthday girl and I am happy to announce that Princess Minnie will be making her party in style.

I just love designing things for 3 to 6 year old little girls and although some of the girls in my life are getting too old for a lot of the frills and lace I still have a few that enjoy wearing a dress. 
In the last few months I have made close to 2 dozen little dresses but I will be giving my machines a rest in another week so that I may get ready for the big art show coming our way, then spring and summer will be upon us and along with enjoying some warm weather I have many painting projects I am committed to and must complete.