Spent a week babysitting the gallery during the Art Week in Great Falls. Over $5 million dollars worth of art sold to support the C.M. Russell Museum. I love auctions and art auctions are so much fun. If you ever have an opportunity to attend a high end art auction, I strongly recommend it, and of course, collecting art is something everyone should do regardless of the level you can begin to collect.
While setting up the gallery I found my favorite piece.
Willie was excited that he got to be on "display".
Had a new grandson right in the middle of art week and with both sets of grandparents showing during the week, I had to wait until right after the show to head to Nebraska to see him. Good thing for me the weather cooperated for that trip.
On March 22, 2014 the world welcomed Blake Michael to our family and Mama and baby are doing wonderful.
While in Nebraska had to take advantage of visiting a "real junk" pile Carhenge, a place where someone has taken a lot of time and effort to take the junk cars out of the junk yard and transform them into art pieces.
and of course I had my little "art admirer" with me, Blake's big sister, Emma
funny faces for Granny's camera is so much fun.
After a wonderful visit with the kids, we headed home and I was able to visit my favorite store "Hobby Lobby". For those of you that have one of those stores in your town you are very lucky, we do not have any in Montana, so anytime I get the opportunity to visit an actual store, I must take advantage. I didn't bring home a lot from the store, but did pick up a few things for very specific projects.
Yes, some new drawer pulls and I can't wait to share the projects I have in mind for these things, but first with spring in the air, I have made a promise to the hubby that I will clean out and organize my "garage stash". So I will now unpack and put away all my treasures so I can begin the new month fresh.